Plant Height
Max Plant Height: This trait refers to the max height recorded within the plot. It is computed using a 3D point cloud of the microplot and maximum is defined as the 99% percentile of the height of each point among plot point cloud. On request, we can compute Max Plant height only on a sub...
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Plant Height Heterogeneity
Max Plant Height Heterogeneity: This trait refers to the heterogeneity measured from the max plant height calculation. The plot studied is first sliced into ~30cm patches, the trait is processed per slice and we compute a coefficient of variation (standard deviation among slices divided by mean value of the plot). Mean Plant Height Heterogeneity: This trait...
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Plant Biovolume Heterogeneity
This trait refers to the heterogeneity measured from the biovolume calculation. The plot studied is first sliced into ~30cm patches, the trait is processed per slice and we compute a coefficient of variation (standard deviation among slices divided by mean value of the plot).
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Average Leaf Angle
This trait provides an estimation of the average leaf angle inclination of your crops. A high ALA indicates that the portion of the leaf area receiving energy is low, which could explain a low vegetative growth. This trait is generated by inverting the radiative transfer model PROSAIL.
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Canopy Chlorophyll Content
This trait provides an estimation of the chlorophyll content at canopy level. It is calculated by multiplying the LAI (Leaf Area Index) and the Leaf Cholorophyll Content. If the canopy chlorophyll content is high, the leaf contains more chlorophyll and has a potential for higher yield. This trait is generated by inverting the radiative transfer...
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Leaf Area Index
LAI represents the maximum projected leaf area per unit of ground surface area. It is generated by inverting the radiative transfer model PROSAIL. Leaves constitute the main part of the crop used for photosynthesis. Leaf area estimation is therefore a good proxy of yield. To be accurate, the model does not distinguished leaf and stems,...
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QPAR represents the accumulated quantity of PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) intercepted by the plants during the crop cycle. It is an integrative trait computed at the end of the plant growth cycle. It takes the FIPAR (fraction of sunlight intercepted) and PAR (quantity of sunlight that plants can use for photosynthesis) coming from the closest...
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CI Green
The Green Chlorophyll Index is used to calculate the total chlorophyll content of the leaves. It takes as an input the reflectance dataset and is designed as an index of the photosynthetic potential of the plant as well as crop productivity. The CI green is computed as follows: CI green = ρNIR/ρGREEN – 1
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CI Red-Edge
This trait is defined as the Red-Edge Chlorophyll Index. The chlorophyll index is used to calculate the total chlorophyll content of the leaves. Computed using different reflectance data, this trait is used as an index of photosynthetic potential as well as crop productivity. The CI Red-Edge formula is the following: CI Red-Edge = ρNIR/ρREDEDGE –...
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The Modified Chlorophyll Absorption in Reflectance Index is a measure of the depth of chlorophyll absorption. This trait is very sensitive to variations in chlorophyll concentration as well as fluctuations in LAI. MCARI takes the reflectance dataset as an input and is computed as follows: MCARI = ((ρ850-ρ710) – 0.2 × (ρ850-ρ570)) / ρ710
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The MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index was designed to estimate chlorophyll content especially from MERIS datasets. This index is sensitive to a wide range of chlorophyll concentration since the reflectance from the NIR, red-edge and red bands are used in the calculation, as indicated in the following formula: MTCI = (pNIR-ρREDEGDE)/(ρREDEDGE-ρRED
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The Normalized Difference Red-Edge Index is based on the red-edge band which is very sensitive to medium to high levels of chlorophyll content. Hence, it is a good indicator of crop health in the mid to late stage crops where the chlorophyll concentration is relatively higher. Also, the NDRE could be used to map the...
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The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index is one of the most commonly used indices for monitoring the percentage of green cover in a projected surface. It takes as an input the reflectance dataset, specifically the Near Infra-Red (NIR) and Red bands. NDVI helps to monitor crop development throughout its growth cycle. It is computed as follows:...
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The Photochemical Reflectance Index is a measure of the light-use efficiency of foliage based on the reflectance of two Green bands. It is primarily used as an indicator of water stress and for the assessment of carbon-dioxide uptake by plants. It is computed as follows: PRI = (ρ570-ρ530) / (ρ570+ρ530)
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Simple Ratio
Simple Ratio is indeed the simplest vegetation index calculated by dividing reflectance recorded in the Near Infra-Red (NIR) by that recorded in Red bands. Hence, SR = ρ850 / ρ675. It is a quick way to distinguish green leaves from other objects in the scene and estimate the relative biomass present in the image. Also,...
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