Announcement in a nutshell:

Hiphen was awarded funding through the EU DIVA program for its innovative project on High-throughput Phenotyping for Biorationals in Arable crops [HiPheBia]. The efficacy of biorationals for arable crops is difficult to establish in open field crops due to the product’s characteristics and the field assessment methodology constraints. Thanks to our partners Eurofins Agroscience Services and Certis France, this project aims at developing a prototype of an innovative, high-throughput phenotyping service to evaluate their efficacy in arable crops, especially against Fusarium on wheat.

More details:

Biorationals are crop protection products based on natural compounds, they can contribute to the sustainable intensification of agriculture. Globally, the biorational market is growing at two-digit growth and offers great perspectives. However, for arable crops, not many biorationals are registered for use and available to European farmers because the efficacy of these products is difficult to establish in open field crops, due to product characteristics and to constraints of methodology for the field researchers.

HiPheBiA- High-throughput Phenotyping for Biorationals in Arable crops- aims at developing an innovative phenotyping service dedicated to the field efficacy evaluation of biorational solutions against pests and pathogens in arable crops. Our one-stop solution will integrate new imagery data automatically processed through algorithms with other field-related agronomic and climatic information. The final outcome will be a comprehensive efficacy assessment of the biorational solution in its field context.

In this project we will first elaborate a prototype of the service for biorational field experiments against Fusarium sp in Wheat. Field experiments will be provided by our partner Eurofins Agroscience Services, a registered DIVA demonstration site and potential end-user of our solution.

With our solution, our end-users will be able to enlarge their field experiments and collect more data with a guarantee of standardization, quality and traceability. Moreover, they will be able to evaluate the global efficacy of a biorational within its agro-system, as we will integrate the complex agro-pedo-climatic interactions as well as the indirect environmental benefits of biorationals into our advanced deep learning analytics. This will improve the whole agro value chain as more biorational solutions will be available for use in arable crops, contributing to a safer and more sustainable agriculture using less chemical pesticides.

Thank you all for your interest in our solutions and to our partners for their trust. We are looking forward to presenting you the results of this project.

Keep safe.